Benjamin Forer

Benjamin Forer, Advisor

Benny-ForerBenny Forer is a veteran criminal prosecutor with experience prosecuting cases ranging from narcotics offenses to gang murders to complex white collar crime. Currently, as a member of the prestigious High-Tech Crimes Unit of the District Attorney of Los Angeles County, his job focuses on complex technologically based crimes. Benny is also a Professor at the University of Southern California (USC) within the Viterbi School of Engineering, where he teaches Cyber & Privacy Law to undergraduate students. He is also a member of the school’s Advisory Board, where he assisted in creating curriculum and degree programs focused on Information Technology.

As an experienced lecturer, Benny addresses matters pertaining to being a District Attorney; topics include criminal justice, criminal procedure, privacy concerns, constitutional issues, sex crimes, complex fraud and white collar offenses. Benny is also an ordained rabbi, having received his rabbinical ordination from HaRav Tauber, a world recognized Jewish legal authority. He lives and works in LA.

As a career prosecutor, I am on the front lines of observing the devastation that occurs when a family member engages in criminal conduct or when a family is affected by the criminal conduct of another. Being a firsthand witness to such traumas has demonstrates the need to examine family structures and relationships. This also encourages me to examine how the family impacts an individual’s future decision-making, supports choices, or creates a whirlwind of chaos that traumatizes individuals and the group. Healthy family dynamics are important toward achieving a balanced environment capable of confronting difficult scenarios from within and managing the external affects from without.

Groups like Family Spirals address these and other related issues in an effort to assist with creating a stronger family structures. Improvements of this nature impacts every other aspect of society, and certainly has a direct relationship with the criminal justice systems everywhere.

added August 8, 2016