

Eric S. Greene, President, Executive Director, Founder. Cultural anthropologist, nonprofit consultant, artist.

Sarah Stevens, Secretary & Treasurer, curricula development expert; nonprofit consultant.

Honorary Board Member

Kat Kramer, Founder, Kat Kramer’s Films That Change the World, and #SHEroesForChange; actor, singer, producer, writer, host; animal welfare.


Joshua Coleman, Ph.D., psychologist, author, Senior Fellow at Council on Contemporary Families, expert on estrangement.

Elliot Dorff, Rabbi, Ph.D., rector, distinguished professor of philosophy at American Jewish University; professor, UCLA School of Law; author on family relationships.

Benjamin Forer, Esq., deputy district attorney of Los Angeles County; lecturer at University of Southern California, privacy law.

Heather Fraser, Ph.D., social work and social planning at Queensland University of Technology (Australia); special interest in women, children, and interspecies families.

Lisa Lunghofer, Ph.D., executive director, Making Good Work; program development and evaluation in the areas of child and family wellbeing, and animal welfare.

Jessica Pierce, Ph.D., bioethicist and author on health care systems, environmental degradation, health, and human-animal interactions.

Boria Sax, Ph.D., author; scholar on human-animal relations; former National Coordinator for Eastern Europe at Amnesty International.

Rochelle Stevenson, project coordinator, Animal and Interpersonal Abuse Research Group, University of Windsor.

Nik Taylor, Ph.D., associate professor, Sociology, University of Canterbury, New Zealand; scholar on human-animal relationships.

Arts League

Pierre Gider, Ph.D., sports biology in dancing, University of Graz (Austria), Special Olympics International.

Matthew Kenney, leading plant-based chef, author, educator, and multi-site restaurateur.

Jason Ostro, visual artist, Gabba Gallery owner.